Single give a deep meaning for me. . 

Admit it, sometimes I feel jealous for those who get attention from their beloved ones. Then I will keep thinking if I was them, yeah! it must feel good right. 

tpi kalu ikot situation yg sebenr2nye, ak tak pernah single sebab ak ada Tuhan. I have Allah SWT that will accompany me everywhere, anytime I like. ahah, tue je la care nye ak nk sedapkan hati yg gundah gulana ni. ahaha, cewahhhhhh!! 

Nevermind! I will find someone right 4 me later. Insya Allah la, kalu ad jodoh kat dunia ni. If not, bakal suamiku, kte jumpa di alam yg lain pulak ye. I try to be good person, good muslimah so we can meet at better place that God has made it 4 us. HEAVEN. Amin Ya Rabb. 
                    pic google je ni, but as long as it can give advice 2 evry1, sebat je laa.
