owh, This Feeling g0t better.


                 8.30 pm. Baru lepas balik dari makan kat kedai yang diberi nama De Orange. Ya Allah, penat nya makan. PENAT?? yes, I'm full and tired. Yelah, perut tengah memproses kan, tue yang berjalan pun dah macam mak2 mengandung 13 bulan. Hah, hyperbola sket. lagipun,ktorng pegi makan senyap2 taw tak. haha. ada la sebab nye.Sambil mengarang ayat2 cinta kat sini, sambil tu juga la aku pergi berblog walking . Tengok sket blog2 orang lain mcm mane kan. The truth is, I love to read people's experience. Some of them really give me a big effect. Dalam erti kata lain nye lah, mcm kena panah petir. Terasa but at the same time, I take note of what happen  and apply it in my daily life.  

              Salah satu pengalaman hidup yg aku baca pasal jodoh. Owh, it is really damn sweet when u meet ur soul mate and he/she is someone u barely or not even meet them for once. The most important is, they love each other bcoz of Allah. Sweet kan but me? Urm, lmbt lgi kot.  I guess so. Aku xkesah pun kalau bakal suami aku tue mmg aku dah kenal lme. It is just about our communication process after married la sbnrnya. Kalu xkenal, mesti bnyk yg kte nk tahu pasal dia kn?. huhu, perancangan Allah, who knows right? Aku ni pun bukannya tunggul kayu, kalu jalan2 pastu terserempak dgn pasangan suami isteri yg romantik2 and cute2 je mesti la aku pun jelous. Tapi, pasangan yg cinta nya DIREDHAI ALLAH je la aku jeles, kalu couple2 tue In Shaa Allah aku pndng sebelah mato jo la. Jangan harap aku nak jelous! 

              The other ones that I read was about holiday. Mak aih, macam2 tempat diorang pergi melawat.  Then mula la aku start baca sambil di awang-awangan. haha, kononnyer ada kat sana juga la. Paris, Korea, and many more. Eh malas la aku nak cerita, makin banyak aku cerita makin membuak-buak perasaan nak melawat negara orang. Tapi, the most wanted place mestilah Mekah. Perform umrah with family. Mom and Dad, hope one  day I will get the chance to bring you there. In Shaa Allah. Ameen . Nampak la sket mcm anak solehah kan? haha

              The last one, while reading the blog content, my eyes was blurry with tears. It is about Gaza. All the pictures make me more2 sad. Ya Allah, please give them a better life after all the challengers in their life. Tambah2 aku ni dah la sensitif juga orang nye, makin nak melalak la aku membaca. Dah macam mati laki pun ada. BUT, ONE THINGS I NEED TO TELL U, MY DEAR FRIEND, 

          Rasulullah SAW berpesan dalam sabda baginda:

“Tidak beriman seseorang kamu sehinggalah dia mencintai 
saudaranya sebagaimana dia mencintai dirinya.” Hadith
 Riwayat  Bukhari. <== Lets start give the best that we had to help them. 

Kalu bnyk duit, blh la sumbang kan melalui SMS or by hand sendiri ke. kalau nk msj. taip
PALESTIN<jarak>(1,3,5,10) DAN HANTAR KE 39111. Ini info betul, xpercaya tnye Heliza Helmi, my sister tue. haha, mampuih kalu die terbce nie. #PRAYFORGAZA 


Sambil search gambar, sambil tue jugak aku rasa nak menangis. Sedih weh, cuba korang tgk betul2, tatap muka diorang nie. Ya Allah!

In Shaa Allah dear, I will do the same . Ask for Allah's help.
