Music blend well with lifes. . .

Peace be upon you

Some music can bring you back to your old time, as well as it can make you reflect on yourself, make you cries. That's what I did sometimes. Listen well and took it deep into my heart. 
I do dreaming on things I should not, cause I know that I can't make the dream comes true. But, we cannot predict what will happen next aren't we? As Allah said, Kun Fayakun. Jadi maka jadilah.

Life will be beautiful if we know exactly how to decorate it. Starting from the basis. Grow bigger with that solid reason and we will found the others. 
Don't be afraid on the obstacles that always face us during the journey. Because it will take us for granted. Maybe you will fall down first, afterwards you'll know the reason. 

But lately, I missed the old me yang selalu dengar lagu nasyid. Ada la juga benda berfaedah yang nak disampaikan dalam lagu tu, zikir pun ada. Ini tidok, lagu omputih dengan lagu korea je duk dengarnye. Mana tak keras hati tu, Insya Allah, I try my best to fix this side of me. Amin
