
Showing posts from January, 2014

Generate New Idea

How miserable I am right know. What should I for the Final Year Project(FYP)? Cannot think a single idea except for seahorse. Found it very interesting but seems like many had done about seahorse. Each time I tried to think harder, then the laziness surround me. Owh, ottoke(sudden Korean language meaning 'What should I do?')! Give me some idea T_T

Fan of K-Pop?

Peace be upon you Yes, I'm one of K-Pop fans. Not a die hard fan but just so-so (don't know if I used the right term for kpop fan.)  *Scrolling the timeline at Facebook. "Owh, what's this?", asked me more to myself while been looking at the post made by one of my friends. "Title 'Meminati K-Pop' by Ustazah Fatimah Syarha. Owh, my favourite ustazah", said me again. *Read out through the content              -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In conclusion, Ustazah said, it's not wrong if we like or adore korean artist, it's 'fitrah', if we like hearing nice voice and good appearance. BUT. It is also a waste if we put our interest or passion to someone who don't know Allah S.W.T. T_T Aku la tu. As long as it is not exaggerate or cross the limit, okay then. Who knows, Muslim fan can make them realize the existence of Alla...

Music blend well with lifes. . .

Peace be upon you Some music can bring you back to your old time, as well as it can make you reflect on yourself, make you cries. That's what I did sometimes. Listen well and took it deep into my heart.  I do dreaming on things I should not, cause I know that I can't make the dream comes true. But, we cannot predict what will happen next aren't we? As Allah said, Kun Fayakun. Jadi maka jadilah. Life will be beautiful if we know exactly how to decorate it. Starting from the basis. Grow bigger with that solid reason and we will found the others.  Don't be afraid on the obstacles that always face us during the journey. Because it will take us for granted. Maybe you will fall down first, afterwards you'll know the reason.  But lately, I missed the old me yang selalu dengar lagu nasyid. Ada la juga benda berfaedah yang nak disampaikan dalam lagu tu, zikir pun ada. Ini tidok, lagu omputih dengan lagu korea je duk dengarnye. Mana tak keras hati tu...

Berbezanya manusia

Peace be upon you "Rajinnya si A buat kerja. Tapi sekarang mood aku pula yang tak berada dalam area rajin, tapi rasa tercabar tengok orang yang rajin ni". Situasi biasa yang selalu berlaku. Nak-nak student ni la. Termasuk aku. Thats why kita kena kuat dan cekal untuk tolak godaan yang datang time kita RAJIN tapi orang lain MALAS. Dan bila orang lain RAJIN , kita pula MALAS. Kalau boleh, bila orang lain tgh rajin ke malas ke, kita tetap rajin. In Shaa Allah, banyak-banyakkanlah berdoa dan praktik sekali. Berdoa bagai nak rak tapi tetap terlentang memanjang atas katil pun tarak guna ye. Itu sahaja, Kehabisan idea nak tulis apa lagi ni.

Selective Colorization

Peace be upon you Hasil kerja aku menggunakan si GIMP ni. Figure 1 An example of Selective Colorization effect Figure 1 shows an example on what selective colorization looks like. Inilah dia. Background grayscale , but at some part kita restore dia punya color. Tak ada la nampak cool sangat sebab picture tak berapa nak ohsem. Try to find another cool photo and try it yourself. Best kalau dah tahu buat ni.

Kelebihan GIMP

Apakah itu GIMP? GIMP atau nama panjang GNU Image Manipulation Program, tempat lahir tak tahu adalah salah satu program yang digunakan untuk edit photo dan macam-macam benda boleh dibuat(aku tak tahu term specific untuk benda alah semua ni, so yang pasti boleh edit photo lah). Kalau mengikut pengalaman aku menggunakan GIMP ni, agak best la.Guna masa belajar dekat Matrikulasi. Senang nak edit photo. Antara kelebihan dia semasa mengedit photo: 1)Selective colorization. Nak buat picture black and white but at the same time certain part ada warna(cool kan?!!) 2)Buat icon sendiri(Buat icon sendiri lepas tu publish, woah, boleh jana pendapatan tuh!) 3)Yang ketiga ialah sila  baca disini  . Official page GIMP yang akan ajar anda semua macam-macam pasal GIMP. Kalau takut tersalah download software lain ke, ni ha logo ke icon theme GIMP tah.  Good Luck!