They said. .

Assalamualaikum and hi. 19 Jun 2015 would be our second last paper for final exam. EIA paper pulak tu. So we agree to do the best for this killer subject and here we go! McD Gong Badak, Kuala Terengganu with pure intentions to study until mata rabak. Hah, omong kosong semua itu. Meet the main survivor. Our second and third survivor! Congrates guys ^^, And the fallen Shaakirah . Keh keh This is the first and only experienced aku stay up dekat luar sampai pukul 4 pagi tanpa rasa mengantuk. Pergh Amal is perghhh. I follow pun sebab memang nak focus belajar lebih sikit memandangkan 40% carry mark depends on this final exam paper kot. And the last reason would be because. . They said. . "Lets create some moment and end our last sem with good memories"