
Showing posts from December, 2012

Hypocrite. .

Assalamualaikum. .    Feels like want to write something but the idea still stuck somewhere in my mind. blurry images with few words. haha. Something wrong with me maybe. Hypocrite. This is what happen to me when it comes to final exam. Haishh. Masa ni la aku rasa mcm iman bertambah2, but the most afraid is when it just stand for the final exam , not for a long time. Owh God. I really hate this side of me . sejuk mata memandang kitten ni. come to mama meh! xD

Inna lillahi wa inna ILAYHI raji'un (انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون)

Assalamualaikum. .          Today, one of my friend from previous school has passed away. Shocking news. Although, we are not so close but I'm still shocked.  Inna lillahi wa inna ILAYHI raji'un (انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون) .  Sama-sama lah kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat rakan saya, semoga roh nya aman dan diampunkan segala dosa . Ameen . Itulah pentingnya untuk kita sentiasa mengingati mati kerana ajal maut tak datang time kte nak, bila2 masa je. Peringatan untuk saya dan juga rakan2.  our memories  ~MRSM SERTING~

Again about GAZA. . .

Assalamualaikum. . # My entry for this time maybe too long but if you can finish ur reading, just one thing that I can say, May Allah Bless u always. Ameen Ya Rabb.         Pernah tak anda semua tetiba rasa sayu dan nak menangis tanpa sebab? Especially perempuan2 la. Kan2? Bak kata Ustaz Azhar Idrus, perempuan ni perasaan dia lembut, mudah tersentuh. Sekuat atau sekasar mana pun dia, kalu kena marah pun blh berair biji mata. kihkih . Well. thats girl.             And my main point to tell you all ni adalah perihal Gaza. Just now, I open my FB and saw some updates from Heliza Helmi (  ). Shes one of the participant of  Misi Solidariti Gaza 2012 .           Whats make me update so fast after read her status? It all about Gaza . She told some  stories that happened at Gaza, the people , their behavior and what they do almost the...

Things that happen all this days. . .

Assalamualaikum. .             Alhamdulillah, got back my wifi.  Always stuck with trouble when comes to the university's  connection. I almost got maximum level of depressed. Well, it's normal for students , I guess. Near the end of Sem1 with the final exam, urmm. There are sooo much things need to learn and cover. Last few days, I go to Pengkalan Arang, Terengganu for sampling. This is one of my compulsory activities in Biologi Marin, go for sampling. Alhamdulillah, I don't have seasick. Kalau tak, mmg kena drop la course ni, apa pon tak boleh kang! Wanna see some pic? Here u go. Smith McIntyre Grab, use to grab deep sea sediment.   Freshwater sampling. We go there by UMT's Boat. Not only owns Pulau Bidong, UMT also have ships and  boats.                       Okay, end about sampling. Yang ini pula  pergi shopping kecil-kecilan la. Nak menguba...

1 DeCemBeR is HeRe. . .

Assalamualaikum. .                 Its already 1 December 2012. Cepat kan masa berlalu? March next year, I'm  20! The fact that I can not accept till today and forever. Dah layak kawin tue .xD . Pray for a better life as time goes by because we don't know what gonna happen to us right? :D Today, I had my silat training with my roomates Amirah ( we called Miraei, coz she said Mira's name are too common and there are another Mira in our course) and Wajihah (Waji ). Unfortunately, she sprained her wrist. Kena baling dgn senior silat. Haha. Almost break her wrist bone, but still okay  right now. Need your help, pray for her. Hope she get well soon! In Shaa Allah, ameen.                 Because of her, I got the chance to go to take a look at our Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU). Ada la hikmah nye di situ. It is not because I'm weird , just curious la mcm mane rupa bilik kecemasan PKU ktorng ni kan...